The Secret "Hybrid Method" Real Estate agents are using to generate referral quality leads using 60 second videos

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get the 15 Chapter book (Retails for $29.99) For FREE!


It's Simple...

We want to win your business!

When I was an agent, I felt like every lead gen company- coach, guru.. and "consultant" hid behind smoke and mirrors. They kept all of the "secrets" to themselves. UNTIL you decided to buy their $10,000 mastermind. Or coaching program. Or you paid a company $1,500/mo to run copy pasted Facebook ads.

And while transparently I AM trying to sell you something... it's not without earning it. I want you to read my book, consume my content, and apply it to your business. And then once you realize I don't only talk a big game but can back it up. THEN we can hop on a call and you can get out curated services.

And once you read the book, you'll finally understand that you are now.. one of MY LEADS!

So what are you waiting for- GET YOUR FREE BOOK (and training videos)!

Talk to you soon,

Patrick Minardi (Founder, and Managing Partner)


**names kept private due to Funnel Hackers**

Aaron H.,

Monroe LA

"before working with Patrick and Prospectflo I was spending tons of money on facebook ads and not really getting any results"

Nick T,

Hoschton GA

"I really can't say enough about pat and how he runs his ad campaigns"

David A.,

Irvine CA

"I'm really enjoying how I'm able to get in touch with these new clients"


Sales Mastery

How to close these new leads into appointments that are ready to sign before you even walk into the door!

Booking Appointments

The Secret to LEAD Quality that actually book to listing appointments. And how to fill up your pipeline so full you'll never need "leads" again!

Scaling Your Business

How to build a service that will make your clients refer you business, by doing less & having more fun. Which will allow you to scale to 7-figures

Trusted by:

Where the Lead Quality is Guaranteed.

Want to find out how?

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